菊岡まつ乃 松本支店

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  • Discover Japan through Matsumoto

    In the “Discover Japan through Matsumoto” plan, you can experience three types of traditional Japanese culture all at once: kimono, rickshaw, and shamisen. We hope that as many people as possible will be able to learn about the charms of Japan and Matsumoto through this experience plan. Please enjoy it.

  • Learn Shamisen with Video

    You can easily experience playing the shamisen by watching a lecture video that carefully explains how to play the shamisen from scratch. Even those who have never played the shamisen and children can enjoy the shamisen. Feel free to try this traditional Japanese instrument.
    The sound of the shamisen varies from person to person. Let your unique sound resonate in the castle town of Matsumoto.

  • Learn Shamisen from a Shamisen Player and Enjoy a Live Performance

    You can enjoy the experience of playing the shamisen under the guidance of a shamisen player and a live performance just for you. The shamisen player will teach you gently and carefully, so you will be able to play a simple song.
    The live performance in front of you is very moving. The graceful sound of the shamisen will take you to the ancient world.